
Now that we are an Incorporated Association, we have a classification for financial Members. Our membership fee is $20 per financial year.

Why become a member?

Becoming a member benefits both you and us. The more members we have, the higher our chances are of being successful in Grant Applications. The more Grant Applications we can secure, the more benefits we can pass on to you! A win, win! However, we can’t always rely on Grants for funding as grant policies change from time to time. If we have a consistent membership base this can help with our planning.

We are a not for profit organisation and our Board are all volunteers. We do this work as we want to help more people who are suffering often with no support.

We have big dreams for the Group, exciting visions that will enrich our community and might just set an example for other States / organisations to do the same. Our consistent goal is to help improve the lives of people living with fibromyalgia and ME/CFS or other chronic invisible illnesses. We hope you will support us on our journey to support you.

We truly thank our founding members who took a leap of faith and backed us.

We thank the members at our in person catch ups, who are always there to help with setting up and packing up.

While we work on our big dream goal, we will also be working on smaller projects which we think you will find very beneficial.

What we currently provide to our Members

  • Our 2024 Self Management Program, thanks to grant funding from James Frizelle Charitable Foundation, is our biggest achievement so far.  We are providing weekly sessions from an array of specialty providers in self management techniques (Check details under Events).
  • organising and funding monthly in person social morning tea where we provide tea, coffee and refreshments;
  • administering a Facebook Page and a private Facebook group;
  • emailing members details of Events and updates;
  • printing
  • presentations
  • opportunity to meet new friends
  • our close relationship with the NCNED research team gives us first hand knowledge of the latest research which we can pass on to you
  • a Welcome Pack

Membership Form

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