Group History

The first meeting of the support group was held in about 1998. We would like to acknowledge the original leaders that paved the way for this support group to grow into what it is today. Our current President, Carol Baker, joined the group in 2000 and took over as facilitator in 2012. Meetings were held at various venues over the years and many people have come and go. Carol’s passion for the group has, however, remained a constant.

Carol’s long standing goal was for the group to become Incorporated, as that would open up the way to be able to provide more support within the community. Carol’s dream finally became a reality in June 2021. Fibromyalgia ME/CFS Gold Coast Support Group Inc. was born. It is now a registered not-for-profit incorporated association under Queensland law, and is registered with the ACNC as a Health Promotion and Advancing Health Charity with DGR endorsement.

In memory of Margo James, one of the original founders of the support group